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Global Warming Forecasts - 2060

Fisheries and Oceans 2060

2060.  End of commercial fishing by 2060.  "[B]usiness as usual means that in 50 years there may be no coral reefs, and no commercial fishing, because the fish will simply be gone."  (Sylvia EarleHow to protect the oceans,"TEDTalks, Long Beach, California, February 19, 2009, Track 12:11) 

Oceans and Global Warming


[B]usiness as usual means that in 50 years there may be no coral reefs, and no commercial fishing, because the fish will simply be gone.(1)
— Dr. Sylvia Earle
Former Chief Scientist, NOAA


Other Events, Forecasts and Projections Converging in 2060

2060.  Projected cost of taking care of the aging baby boom generation may skyrocket to as much as $350 billion by the year 2060.  “As the baby boom generation ages, experts claim the cost of taking care of the frail and chronically ill may skyrocket to as much as $350 billion by the year 2060.  Costs will mount because the number of elderly in need of long-term care will increase from 6.4 million people now to 12.7 million by 2020 and to as many as 23.5 million by 2060, several studies show.  The cost forecast is based on studies looking ahead to the years 2018 through 2060 when the 76 million Americans in the baby boom generation will be primary consumers of long-term care services. . . . The studies were conducted by researchers at the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute, two Washington-based think tanks; the Center for Demographic Studies at Duke University, and the Congressional Budget Office, the fiscal agency of Congress.  The Brookings researchers projected that the cost of taking care of the elderly will likely skyrocket from $44 billion to $120 billion by 2018, measured in today's dollars.  Urban Institute and Duke scholars concluded that the costs may hit as much as $350 billion by 2060.” (Vic Ostrowidzki, Times Union Washington bureau, “The Older We Get, The Costlier It Becomes To Live Long,” The Times Union, Albany, New York, September 8, 1991, p. G1)



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